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Of Trademarks and Birkins: The Saga of NFT Jurisprudence

March 16
This sets the stage for perhaps the most influential case yet to define the jurisprudence of NFT art.
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Let's Talk Soulbound Tokens

February 21
In a January 26, 2022 blog post, Vitalik introduced the idea of soulbound tokens. Why haven't they taken off yet?
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Zero-Knowledge, the Blockchain, and Media: Is Data Monetization Dead?

December 23
Let's talk web3 media companies, zero-knowledge proofs, self-custodian data privacy, and data-driven decision making and monetization.
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Who Run the World? Anonymity and Privacy in Emerging Web3 Spaces

June 11
Considering previous legal theory & recent web3 events, it can be argued that the framework of privacy needs to be updated with an understanding of consent.
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wallets 💸 [web3 basics: week 2]

February 05
Last week, we discussed the basic building blocks of web3. This week, we’re talking about how transactions take place on the blockchain: through cryptocurrencies. In a lot of ways, owning cryptocurrency can transform the way you navigate and understand web3 functions and communities. They’re also the gateway to help you be active members of some DAOs as it allows you to purchase their NFTs or tokens for voting and governance, participate in staking, or support their cause.
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web3 basics [week 1]

January 26
The internet goes through transformations every few decades. I like to think of the dimensionality of these transformations like actual physical dimensions.